


    Today is grey. Overcast. Gloomy. It just so happens that this is the kind of day I love. I am strange, I’ll be the first to admit that, I love grey miserable weather. I think it’s a throw back from my childhood, this joy over greyness. You see, I grew up where the mornings were often shrouded in thick pea soup fogginess. It drizzled and rained quite often. Umbrellas, clasped tightly in hands of people who walked down the pavement, were visible bobbing up and down high above my head. So I suppose that is why I like these sorts of days, they take me back to a more simple time.

    The weatherman (I call him the weather Hobbit, purely praise, I assure you) said that we could have the first thunderstorm of the season today. Ahh! I have a love hate relationship with thunderstorms. I like nothing better than one of those days where the black clouds billow angrily in the sky, and the echo of thunder booms off in the distance and rolls around in the atmosphere all day. Air, fraught with electricity. Sort of makes you feel alive, no? But I also live where tornadoes often threaten. And those scare the crap out of me. On more than one occasion I have been forced to huddle down in the basement and listen to the siren wail. It’s scary. It sets me on edge. I am not used to it…yet.

    No tornadoes are forecast for today, thankfully. Just rain. Cloudy, grey, gloom. I think it will the perfect day to snuggle down with a cup of tea and a good book.

    That’s me then.

Published in: on March 20, 2009 at 2:44 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Ah…you are giving yourself away here my dear. “Grey”? Really?

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